The 4th industrial revolution is in full swing, as technological advancements improve society in more and more ways each year. One area where this revolution is most evident is the industrial sector.

With more industrial automation comes more sensors, drives, and other components requiring electricity to function. To prevent industry from totally sapping the globe’s energy reserves as it evolves rapidly, energy saving components are more in demand now than ever before.

This article takes a look at how much energy is consumed by the industrial sector, why energy efficiency is so important today, and how two brands (Invertek and Inovance) are developing energy saving drives to improve the industry’s energy usage.


Industrial sector energy consumption

Here’s a sobering fact: the industrial sector consumes 40% of all electricity generated globally. This is followed by 28% for residential purposes, 24% for services, 2% for transport, and 6% for “other” purposes.

If we dive deeper, we discover that industrial motors – on their own – consume around 28% of the world’s electricity. That’s a staggering amount of energy being used, and the first place to start looking for energy saving opportunities in the industrial sector.


Are energy saving drives the solution?

A recent industry study assessed the potential energy savings of simply installing variable speed drives to intelligently control industrial pumps. The results show that, if all pumps were controlled by variable frequency drives, an average energy saving of up to 40% could be facilitated.

Invertek is one brand Motion Tronic sells that offers world-class variable speed drives.

Installing variable frequency drives not only reduces energy costs, but can significantly contribute to improving process control and reliability, increasing production capacity, reducing maintenance costs and lowering reactive power.


Invertek drives for a cooler planet

Invertek Drives understand the vital role variable frequency drives play in reducing industrial energy usage. Their Optidrive variable frequency drives help match motor speeds to the exact requirements of each application, saving energy and providing improved control.

International Efficiency (IE) standards stipulate the energy efficiency of low voltage AC motors. These IE codes serve as a reference for governments who specify the efficiency levels for their minimum energy performance standards. All Invertek Drives’ variable speed drives are built to exceed the requirements of IE2.


Inovance low and medium-voltage drives

Inovance offers leading low and medium-voltage multidrive products for industrial applications requiring complex multidrive systems. These include metal processing, printing and packaging, or textile printing and dyeing.

These energy-saving drives adopt modular designs, feature high performance, high security, and a high protection rating – all while reducing the industrial operation’s energy needs.


Reduce your energy costs with Motion Tronic

Motion Tronic is the leading industrial automation solutions provider in South Africa. We are the sole agents for Baumuller, Microsonic, Servo Mold, Invertek, and Inovance automation products. Message us to discuss how we can improve your industrial processes with energy-saving automation components from the brands leading the 4th Industrial Revolution.