Did you know Motion Tronic perform repairs on all industrial PCB, electronic boards and servo drives? We carry specialist soldering and de-soldering tooling, and work on surface mount and through-hole electronic boards. We use state of the art electronic equipment for testing and fault finding.  These include IC testers, oscilloscopes, ramp function generators, heat signature cameras and more! We carry stock of the most common components, otherwise we have direct access to thousands of components catering for all kinds of industrial electronic boards and applications. We also have a dedicated electronic component technician for board level repairs, ready and able to assist with any faulty electronics.


Here’s why you can trust Motion Tronic with your component repairs & maintenance:

  • Possibility of a much faster turnaround time
  • Will save thousands on repairing rather than replacing
  • 12-month warranty offered on same fault repairs
  • We offer repairs to obsolete equipment

We pride ourselves in helping customers that often can’t wait the long lead times and deal with high pricing of OEMs. For any replacement parts, give Motion Tronic a call and let’s see if we have what you’re looking for. Next time you are in need of an electronic board repair, we will be happy to assist! Head over to our services page to see all our services provided and how we could possibly assist you with your next breakdown.